Anyone who looks at the Netherlands from a distance sees a rich country with low moors and high sandy soils. With a fertile river delta that brought prosperity. And living cities. A country arranged according to human understanding, in which nature was literally contained. It is time to change the system and to look differently. Because looking differently changes the outcome. NL2120 stands for a hopeful future for people and planet: elevating Nature-based Solutions.
With and through nature
NL2120 provides space for nature and cooperates with nature. We devise solutions based on natural systems and phenomena. Nature-driven technological innovations with ecological and social impact. This is how we make a significant contribution to well-being - for people, plants and animals. Noticeable. Measurable. By taking a healthy natural system as a starting point, we realize a sustainable future.

The power of collaboration
NL2120 is a partnership of pioneers. Pioneering requires vision, courage, enthusiasm and perseverance. But above all positivism. Pioneers overcome resistance and pave the way to a new future. We strive for a better world. Coupled with commercial spirit, knowledge and science, technology and design. Change is a matter of doing. We are those tacklers. With knowledge as our basis. Knowledge that we develop, validate, disseminate and scale up.
Nature-based Solutions, what are they?
Nature-based Solutions are the key to a future in which humans and nature work together. These solutions directly harness the power of natural systems and thereby solve urgent ecological and social problems. By harnessing ecosystems, we strengthen our resilience and stimulate sustainable innovations. NL2120 works with nature to achieve measurable results that benefit people, plants and animals. In this way we create a future in which nature is not only preserved, but also flourishes as an engine for positive change.